
Our blog seeks to answer the most common questions we get as well give some ideas for great ceremonies
What Does It Mean To Elope?
So You Want To Elope

So You Want To Elope

What Does It Mean To Elope? Elope is defined as "run away secretly in order to get married." In years past this had a bit of a negative connotation - the idea that star-crossed lovers, who were forbidden from being married for reasons of religion, culture, or...

The Rose Ceremony

The Rose Ceremony

There are so many ideas an options for your wedding ceremony. Following is a little ritual that can be done as part of a ceremony. It is obviously not a ceremony on it's own but can be included. When I first read this I thought it was terribly cheesy but I was...

Man Signing Ante Nuptial Contract
The Ante Nuptial Contract

The Ante Nuptial Contract

For many years we have referred couples seeking advice and assistance with their Ante Nuptial Contracts to Milica Tenji Attorneys. They are a small firm of two attorneys who provide excellent service and are well worth contacting if you need contract assistance....

Mixed Faith Marriages

Mixed Faith Marriages

Marriage is, at its heart, the combining of the lives of two people into something new, something unique. From friends to families to cultures a wedding is always the start of something different. In modern times this has only become more interesting.  Let's face...

What Does It Mean To Elope?
LGBT Weddings

LGBT Weddings

All You Need To Know About LGBT Weddings Gay, Lesbian, Same Sex or just LGBT weddings have been legal in South Africa since 2006. As of early 2019 there are approximately 180 registered Civil Union Marriage Officers. According to Statistics South Africa same sex...

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