Wedding Ceremonies

From 5 people to 500 we create & deliver personal ceremonies.

Wedding Ceremonies, All You Need To Know

Weddings are as diverse as the people getting married. As professional Marriage Officers, we understand this and work to personalise every ceremony we do. The perfect wedding ceremony is a collaborative journey between you and our 20 years of experience in performing weddings.

The wedding ceremony is the official start of a wedding celebration. It sets the tone and mood. The perfect ceremony acknowledges the importance of the moment while at the same time recognising and bringing out the celebration of the day!

You will also find that the ceremony is the least complicated part of the day. You want to think about it enough to get what you want but not so much that it becomes complicated. We’ll advise, guide and keep it simple.

Ryan was absolutely wonderful! His authenticity, the actual wording of the service and the relevancy of this to both of us, the sincerity and again the warmth with which he engaged with us really stood out for us. He was a huge part of making the day the special day it was for us.

Many of our guests came to us and spoke to us about Ryan as they were all so touched by his service. They all expressed that it was the most touching ceremony that they have attended.

Liz and Anina


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