The Professional Marriage Officer

by Oct 2, 2022

Until very recently the role of the Marriage Officer has been filled by Ministers & Rabbi’s and the vast majority still are. There is still a strong perception that Marriage Officer is the authority on a wedding ceremony and he decides the content of a ceremony and how it should run. Because of the minister/rabbi involvement people can be a little sheepish about making requests, particularly around religious content.

We want to change this perception. The Marriage Officer can, should and must be a professional service. Marriage Officers fill a vital function at a wedding (some would argue the most important since we are the only suppliers who are not optional) and that function should be performed professionally, with attention to the needs of those getting married. The job of the Marriage Officer should be to make the couple look really good by delivering an outstanding ceremony and then follow this with the logistical home affairs angle to ensure they are properly registered.

Expect your Marriage Officer to be a professional. He or she should know and understand your needs and deliver accordingly.


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