So You Want To Elope
What Does It Mean To Elope?
Elope is defined as “run away secretly in order to get married.”
In years past this had a bit of a negative connotation – the idea that star-crossed lovers, who were forbidden from being married for reasons of religion, culture, or status, would run away and get married much to the shame and scandal of their families.
Today this is far less common and a more likely reason to elope is to avoid the cost and effort of organising a big wedding. Or perhaps two people just can’t wait to start their life together.
Or it might simply be for reasons for logistics and practicality – immigration being the most common reason.
The idea of eloping also suggests going to an exotic or foreign location. However, most elopements happen pretty close to home.
Whatever your reason for eloping we’re here to help. Get in touch and let us get you there.
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