Mixed Faith Marriages

by Apr 4, 2019

Marriage is, at its heart, the combining of the lives of two people into something new, something unique. From friends to families to cultures a wedding is always the start of something different. In modern times this has only become more interesting. 

Let’s face it, the world was a little boring 50 year or more years ago. We only married within our cultural, religious and racial groups. These were firmly established barriers. Today, all those barriers have disappeared and we can pretty much marry anyone we choose to commit to! 

This makes for interesting wedding ceremonies. One of the unique elements to navigate is a “mixed faith” wedding, where each of the couple from a religious tradition and wish to express that tradition in some way during the ceremony.  We’ve been doing this for years and have developed valuable experience in how to navigate all the questions around how this would work in a way that us unique for you. 

If you are in this position, get in touch and discuss with me or one of our marriage officers. There are some wonderful ideas to discuss! 

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