
Get legally married at home or at our offices

Huweliksregistrasies om wettiglik tuis of by ons kantore te trou, ons reël ook onderhoude vir binnelandse sake vir Suid-Afrikaners wat met buitelanders wil trou, waar nodig 

Of u nou na ons toe kom of ons na u toe kom, ons sal sorg vir alle papierwerk, u huwelik by Binnelandse sake te registreer en u kry jul huwelik sertifikaat op die dag.

Om wettiglik te trou is ‘n baie eenvoudige proses. Al wat u benodig, is die teenwoordigheid van u en u verloofde, twee getuies en ‘n huweliksbevestiger.

U kan tuis, in ‘n lokaal of by ons kantore getrou word. Ons kan jul enige tyd en op enige dag van die week trou.

Dis ons spesialiteit om klein, privaat troues uit te voer. Elke troue is vir ons ewe belangrik

Thank you very much for making our day special.

I would also like to thank you for an outstanding professionalism and a superb service you gave us from the time we started communicating.

Nonkululeko Duma


How it works

Send us an email at with whatever information you have right now; do you have a date and location in mind? Or simply fill in the contact form below. We’ll answer any questions you have and let you know exactly how we can help. 

Documentation required: Copies of your IDs, copies of your witness IDs, divorce decrees if you have been married before, confirmation of ANC if applicable. 

How soon can we be registered? 

Assuming you have all the necessary documents to hand you could be married today so we can help at short notice if required. Once all the paperwork is signed we will submit to home affairs within 3 days. We will provide you with a marriage certificate immediately. 


Get in touch!

Ask us anything or get more information by filling in the form. We're pretty quick!

You're welcome to Whatsapp us right now on 063 723 5943.